Notes on the Rise

A Note on the Rise by Brenda Matyolo


Sawubona (I see you),

Brenda is an incredible example of someone who can make lemonade out of any experience. She has taught me the value of owning all the colours of my story and that victimhood is not honourable.

A nurturer, book enthusiast, God’s Cheerleader and she loves to love.

When I first read her note I cried because it is raw and beautiful. Her note below reinforces the need to remain true to our why. Brenda’s note is a powerful reminder that life has been given to us and our responsibility is to respond… our response is our choice and our freedom.

Thank you for pulling me UP and for walking with me home to ME.


I Rise Because

A Note on the Rise by Brenda Matyolo

For the longest time, I rose because I had to answer questions that had nothing to do with me, I rose because I had to justify my existence.

I rose to respond to the question:

Who do you think you are?

I rose because I owed, rose so I could repay my debts, to pay back that – that had been sacrificed for me to get where I was. I rose because if I did not, who would?

I rose because I was curious but was told that I was forward, rose so I could give my opinion but was asked – do you think you are better?

I rose because there were so many questions, rose because the responses to the questions were not good enough, rose because the fridge and the grocery cupboards were empty.

I rose so I could work, so I could make enough money, so I could be up when those I owed called or needed me. But it was never enough!

Now I Rise Because…

To not think, of who I am, but to be who I am.

I rise to ask myself the questions:

Who am I and why am here?

I rise daily, as best as I can to answer these two questions.

Now I rise for me, I rise to ask the very same questions – the difference is, I ask the questions.

I rise to tell my story, imperfect as it is.

I rise to run my own race, to walk my own path and strive to stay in my lane.

I rise because I am no victim!

I rise to live not to exist, but to give the best I can a day at a time.

I rise to breathe – God’s gift to me.

I rise because the Almighty is not done with me yet.

I rise because I matter!

About Brenda

Brenda has considerable business experience gained through her leadership and influential management positions at various organisations within different sectors.

A Top Young Executive of the Year finalist, Brenda is currently the Chief Operations Officer at African Rainbow Capital (ARC).

My name is Nokubonga Mbanga and I am committed to making an impact.

I work with talented, driven & productive individuals and organisations that want to make a difference in the world while honouring their values & inner wisdom.